Are you fun and active on linkedin

I’m looking for

124 Fun People

on Linkedin

Is that you?

why are you looking for people

Why 124?

No real reason, but it caught your attention…

Okay, there’s a reason. I want to engage with people’s content who are fun.

That’s the why…

Because being creative on LinkedIn isn’t easy, but with some support – you’ll be unstoppable.

I am fun

R U Fun and on Linkedin

I’m looking to find 124 new people on LinkedIn who are fun. If you are already connected to me, I already know you are fun. This is for you new peeps.

Passion projects

Things I do that you might enjoy…

feeding stray cats and dogs

Feeding Strays

People who support Do Not Listen to This Podcast help us to find great homes for cats and dogs

Golfing in Thailand

Golfing in Thailand

Not going to lie, I love golfing in Thailand.

Crappy Life coach

Crappy Life Coach

I enjoy making people laugh…

work stuff

Things I do for people who pay me…

Bearnecessity sites landing pages

Landing Pages

Landing pages are the fastest way to get your idea in front of an online audience.

bear necessity sites website building

Web Sites & SEO junk (I mean stuff)

Most people just need a 3 page website, but we do larger ones, too.

Bearfluencer social media strategy

Social Media Strategy

Social media is constantly changing and your strategy should, too. Don’t confuse tactics with strategy.

Business Consulting

I’m one of the few people with MBA Finance and Comedy Writer on their Resume/CV. We’re not cheap, but we will solve your problem faster than our competitors. And that will save you money!

Pick my brain by email

Buy me a cup of coffee and I’ll answer any business question by email

Pick my brain by video

Buy me a round of golf and I’ll answer any business question by video or audio chat